
Just for today, do not worry
Just for today, do not anger
Honor your parents, teachers and elders
Earn your living honestly
Show gratitude to everything

Derived from two Japanese words – Rei and Ki — meaning Universal life force energy, this ancient and gentle art of healing was developed in the early 20th century by Mikao Usui in Japan. A practice of transmitting healing energy through the hands, based on simple healing techniques, Reiki uses specific hand positions and symbols on or above parts of the body that correspond to the major energy centres or charka. Useful as a complementary healing to any form of ailment – mental, physical, emotional or spiritual, Reiki can be learnt by anyone, and is an art that is passed from Master to Student.

A complementary therapy using gentle touch or meditation to promote better health and wellbeing, reiki can be channeled by a practitioner for any situation, ailment and condition, or for general protection and peace.

Advanced practitioners (Level II and above) of Reiki can perform distant reiki on their patients who may not be physically present to receive hands on healing. Done via meditation using Reiki symbols, healing energy can be transmitted to any specific condition or for general well being.

Reiki is a non invasive therapy which complements conventional medicine enhancing the body’s natural healing process and increasing the effectiveness of other treatments.

Some of the things Reiki can make a difference include:

Relieve & reduce pain
Calm nerves
Nourish cells for optimal maintenance or regeneration
Reduce stress and Promote relaxation
Raise or lower energy levels
Support & maintain the immune system
Relieve allergy symptoms
Reduce nausea associated with pregnancy, or side effects of medications or treatments
Synchronize & energize the body’s vital meridians
Release stored memories & emotional blocks held in the body tissue
Align the major energy centers in the physical & fine bodies
Actively bring body, mind & spirit into balance & harmony
Effect of Reiki

Many people may report a deep feeling of relaxation after a Reiki session. Relaxation in and of itself may have beneficial health-related effects, such as reducing pain, nausea, and fatigue. A client might also experience warmth, tingling, sleepiness, refreshment, and/or the easing of one or more other symptoms after treatment. Generally safe no serious side effects have been reported.

Sometimes a Reiki client experiences what practitioners call a “cleansing crisis.” The person may have symptoms such as a feeling of weakness or tiredness, a headache, or a stomach ache. Reiki practitioners believe that these are effects of the body releasing toxins. They advise the client on how to deal with such symptoms if they occur, such as by getting more rest, drinking plenty of water, or eating a lighter diet.

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