

Mother Nature speaks to us in so many ways. But we’re so lost in our thoughts we never pay attention to her. Rather like the way we behave with our own moms. Knowing that their words are for our highest good, but not really paying attention to them.

After a recent workshop I attended on communicating with Nature, I’ve learnt to keep all my senses open when I meditate outdoors. Sitting on the grass, surrounded by trees and bushes, it’s like an invitation to an exclusive event where I have the privilege to mingle with the wisest and the most ancient beings who are unbelievably generous with their support and wisdom.

Everytime I tune into Nature during meditation I emerge with a sense of clarity, a greater purpose and a quiet determination that reminds me I cannot die without doing something for our environment and our animals.

We’ve done enough damage to the Earth and all its creatures. Time to step in, heal, speak out and preserve Mother Nature, don’t you think? Treemeditation1