Thyroid issues are cited as among the most frequently diagnosed ailments today in men and women affecting not just adults but young teens and in some cases even pre-adoloscents. Two kinds of thyroid ailments exist: Hypothyroid where the thyroid gland is underactive or sluggish leading to weight gain and a difficulty in shedding the extra kilos. Hyperthyroid or an overactive thyroid may result in weight loss and an inability to gain weight despite increased intake of food.


Apart from the physical symptoms related to weight a number of mental and emotional symptoms are associated with Thyroid ailments. Depression, anxiety, irritability, sexual dysfunction, sleep disturbances, negative thoughts and fears are common symptoms associated with Thyroid and can be minimised with alternative therapies like crystal healing.


Healing crystals for Thyroid issues can be worn in the form of a bracelet, a pendant or carried around in your pocket in the form of a tumbled stone. And if you are not one for carrying or wearing crystals, placing a large stone by your bedside or office table would work just as well.


The following healing crystals can be used for balancing the symptoms associated with Hypothyroid and Hyperthyroid.


  • Amber which is more a resin rather than a crystal is a lovely goldenish brown shade which is especially helpful in the case of an underactive thyroid gland. Amber boosts the absorption of iodine and has been used since ancient times for iodine deficiency. Best worn as an a necklace or a pendant, amber is easily available and affordable.
  • Blue Chalcedony, a beautiful pastel blue crystal works primarily as a relieving stone soothing an over active thyroid and reducing nervous tension. Ideal as a pendant or a necklace, Blue Chalcedony also helps to reduce anger, anxiety and mood swings.
  • Aquamarine, bluish green in colour, readily available though a little more pricey can work as a balancer for both hypothyroid and hyperthyroid. An effective regulator of the glands, Aquamarine also helps release negative thoughts, memories and unnecessary attachments to people and incidents of the past.
  • Royal blue with silvery-gold flecks, Lapiz Lazuli has been a popular choice for healers down the centuries. Not only does it harmonise the thyroid glands, it also promote mental harmony and focus on what’s truly important


Healing crystals work slowly but surely. Effects can be felt within a week or so of regular contact with the crystal. Containing zero side effects the only precaution while using healing crystals is to make sure they are cleansed an preferably energized by an energy healer. Before beginning any form of self healing it would be advisable to go in for an energy healing session with crystals to get a feel of how they work.


Mita Bhan