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General Energy Forecast for July -November 2020 for all Sun Signs.

Gradual Awakening.

The bubble has burst, the alarm bells have been heard multiple times, and it’s now time to adapt to new ways of living and interaction. But if we do it with resentment or nostalgia, it will only make things worse. Frustration levels soar when we resist something new or remain in denial about a relationship. People are showing you their true colours. Don’t pretend otherwise. Decisions will take longer to reach a consensus. And many of our lives will be put on hold until we learn to be patient and to accept things as they are.

Let it Go

Feelings need to be honoured. Feelings need to be felt. Even the painful ones. The sad ones. The joyful ones. For new energies to enter, the old have to be released. Some moments may be nostalgic and bittersweet and some may see tears of relief and joy. Let it go, let it all go.


The energies may slow down for several weeks giving us time to adapt, deal with losses, new partnerships, alliances, business ideas, strategies. The more we learn to believe in our abilities and the fact that everything happens for a reason the stronger, wiser, braver we become. There may be moments where we’ll just have to pick ourselves up, by ourselves. And be our own cheerleaders. Just don’t stop. Refuse to be reduced by life’s challenges. Keep going.


Changes begin to be more and more visible. New institutions and alliances are formed. The educational system undergoes the process of radical change. New organisations are established. New partnerships. New trade agreements. Mergers. Laws change with respect to travel, border issues and arrangements and new leaders emerge in the community and in the globe. New voices are heard. New platforms on social media. More insightful medical discoveries. Stories of human kindness and generosity take centre stage. Lessons are repeated until we learn. Those who love you will love you no matter what.

What’s going on around you? Where are you on your Life Path? Where are you headed? For telephonic readings/email reports and select personalised readings message 9810138315/mita.bhan@gmail.com for details. If you’d like to copy and excerpt or share the entire forecast, kindly share the page link and the Author.

Copyright Mita Bhan. July 2020