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Cat Deck personal collection

Today is the day when you try a little harder. When you get up and give a little more of yourself. When you hang on to your dreams for just a little longer.

Quitting is not an option. Persist through the delays and the disappointments, the fog and the obstacles. One step at a time. One day at a time.

The dedication and the perserverance of 8 of Pentacles reminded me of my grandfather’s words. Active at work till nearly the age of 90, he witnessed 2 World Wars, the Partition, epidemics like Small Pox and Polio. And managed to raised his 8 children as a single Dad. His answer to any difficulty was to “just keep going” without defeat without complaint.

Key Message

*Patient and productive

*Ignoring the voice that says “quit”

*Paying attention to detail

*Unlearning the past. Learning new skills.

For insights into the week ahead, do see the weekly tarot forecast.


Wishing you peace, good health and persistence.

For personalised appoints leave a message on Whatsapp 9810138315/mita.bhan@gmail.com for details.

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