If you were beginning to feel bored and stagnant, the week ahead promises a few hasty energy shifts until the 27th of September when Mercury goes retrograde (more on than later) Expect increased activity, starting new projects and even new relationships. One tip, do check out things before proceeding hastily. One reckless mistake and it could block your future happiness. You may start shedding a lot of baggage as well from the past, literally as in decluttering your possessions or emotionally as you release a painful memory from your past once and for all and heave a sigh of relief. Old suppressed emotions may reveal themselves as bouts of irritation or even an explosion so do be mindful about lashing out at someone who had nothing to do with the matter. Keywords for the week ahead are assertive action, pausing before you lash out, overcoming obstacles with one swift action.

For more insights on what to expect in the coming days do check out your forecast here, or search for weekly horoscope on India Today. DM me for a personalised session and if you’d like more on the esoteric and the mindful do follow on https://www.instagram.com/mitabhan/


Wishing you a week full of peace and productivity. Stay cool:)

Mita Bhan