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Have you found yourself feeling bored lately? Or stuck in a rut? Or like how social media describes it as “meh”? One of the fastest ways to unblock the stagnant vibe is by expressing yourself creatively. Creativity helps raise the vibration. It allows you see the world in different ways, it sparks new ways of doing the same old thing, or makes you notice shades of colours you never noticed before. Drawing, singing, cooking, writing, music doesn’t have to be the only ways to express your creativity. You could try a completely new approach to your business strategy, or try a new trendy hair style or clothes. And it doesn’t have to be perfect either. Give it a shot, break the “meh” feeling, and let me know how it goes:)

For a look at what the cards have to say for your Sun Sign do click the following links. And thank you once again for your support.

Weekly Tarot Forecast


Annual 2022 Tarot Forecast


For personalised Tarot appointments and Energy Healing DM me or leave a whatsapp message on 9810138315. Follow for tips, info and forecasts here https://www.instagram.com/mitabhan/

Mita Bhan 2022