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Love cannot be strategised nor it can be predicted. The energy will suddenly descend on you and you may be seeing stars once again. Expect the unexpected in Love matters always. You may find yourself falling for someone who’s totally not your type. Or making the most electrifying eye contact with a stranger. Or deepening your feelings for someone who’s already in your life. Is it one level higher or one level deeper? And Love doesn’t have to be physical romantic love either, you may discover a passion and devotion for an idea, a goal or a new creative endeavour or learn to love yourself a little more. Whatever be the shade of love, enjoy it.

For a look at what the cards have in store for you in the week ahead.

Weekly Tarot Forecast


For personalised Tarot appointments and Energy Healing DM me or leave a whatsapp message on 9810138315. Follow for tips, info and forecasts here https://www.instagram.com/mitabhan/

Mita Bhan 2022