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Wishing everyone a Happy New Year full of good health, happiness and success!

While meditating this morning before my cards I asked the question “What message can I share with the world for 2023?” and the card of Sharing appeared. “Again.” I thought and the cards reminded me that lessons are repeated until all of us learn. Sharing, giving back, generosity have been spoken about again and again by the ancients reminding us that the key to happiness is not limited to thinking about only ourselves, our comfort, our growth but going beyond to our community, our neighbours, our co-inhabitants on this planet. When we give our time, our energy, our possessions, we receive a reward that’s incomparable. It’s a deep, fulfilling satisfaction that reminds us that we are not here only for ourselves but for the others at large.

The world too will see instances where people’s selflessness will bring gasps of admiration. Inclusivity not only in the workplace, in politics and media will grow as minorities, women, people of colour, the queer communit, people with special needs are given more space to express themselves and be heard. Collaborations between countries be it in terms of trade, medicine or knowledge increase. The more you give, the more you receive. The more you think in terms of the other person, the team, the community and the world, the more everyone benefits and grows.

“We make a living by what we have. We make a life by what we give”

Sharing goes beyond making a donation. Sharing can be giving food to a hungry soul. Giving time to someone who needs you. Giving credit to the others in a team. Expressing feelings of appreciation to those who made a difference. Encouraging and motivating a student. Lending a hand.

We’ve seen enough examples of selfish behaviour in the past. And it’s brought no one happiness. Not the taker, not the person who’s been used by the taker. Time to shift the paradigm if we want to make this world a wee bit better.

“Happiness comes from helping others, by being with others, and by sharing, even if it’s only a smile.” 
― Zain Hashmi

India Today Weekly Horoscope for All Sun Signs


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Mita Bhan 2023