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Learning has very little to do with textbooks and exams. Learning is the process of life. Every single day we walk this earth we learn something new about existence, about one another, about technology and ourselves. Learning is a process that goes on and on until we close our minds to it. Research has shown that we begin learning in the womb and go right on learning until the moment we pass on. Our brain has a capacity for learning that is virtually limitless, which makes every human a potential genius.

And this week’s Tarot cards reminds us that this is one of the reasons we are here on this planet. To learn to grow as souls. To stay young in our minds, flexible to new ways, new viewpoints and ideas. To deny ourselves learning is the fastest way to ageing.

Ask yourself what you have learnt in this past week?

And what would would you like to learn in the days ahead?

Is it time to upskill? Take up a new hobby? Learn about a subject that’s always fascinated you? Or just talk to someone and learn from their experiences.

Don’t close your mind. There’s a whole treasure trove out there for all of us to learn from.

“Learning is the beginning of wealth. Learning is the beginning of health Learning is the beginning of spirituality. Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins.” – Jim Rohn

India Today Weekly Horoscope for All Sun Signs


For personalised Tarot appointments and Energy HealingDM me or leave a whatsapp message on 9810138315. Follow for tips, info and forecasts here https://www.instagram.com/mitabhan/

Mita Bhan 2023