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The Real You – A Short Story


Ranterella was in one of her moods again.

You’ll know what I mean when you hear her.

It begins with the bitter tone

And ends up in her shouting expletives.

Who left the door open?

Why did you go there?

What is wrong with people!

She stomped out with her headphones in the dark.

And  literally stumbled over a monk sitting on the grass.

“What are you doing here!!!” Ranterella screamed.

The monk smiled.

“Why are you blocking my way you stupid man. Get up!”

He listened to her intently, nodding away at her words.

Made Ranterella even more angry. She brought her face really close to his.

“Don’t you understand me?”

“Yes I do. Which is why I’m moving to the other end of the park.  Bye

A little while later he heard footsteps and a softer voice ask him,

“What did you understand about me?”

The Monk knew the answer.

She knew he understood.

And sat down next to him and  wept.

For everything she wanted from Life but did’nt get

For every single person who lied to her and betrayed her.

For the man who cheated her.

For the father who did not stand up for her.

For the Boss who played with her.

For the daughter who told her other people’s mommies don’t shout.

For the Knight in the Shining Armour who galloped away.

“I know I know all this Buddhist stuff. Everybody’s going on about self love. La la la. ” she mocked.

The monk got up, dusted his robes and went towards the Neroli bush.

See this flower. He pointed to tiny pointed luminous petals.

She rolled her eyes.  Maybe she should plug in the headphones. And walk away from this weird old man.

But her gaze fell on that flower.

And instead of petals, she saw her own reflection.

A tiny mirror stared back at her.

She was shocked.


The monk suppressed his laughter. People always look so comical when they’re shocked.

Her reflection showed a young teenaged girl lying on the grass with a book.

Except she wasn’t reading.

She was dreaming about her true love.

She blinked hard. And the flower just disappeared into the night.

“What kind of trick is that?”

The monk stifled a yawn. It had been a long day. “No trick, that’s the real you”

Mita Bhan

Originally published in

This spiritual story was originally published  by

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