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Weekly Tarot Forecast for All Sun Signs (Aug15-21)

Happy Independence Day India.

A time to pause and think about all the sacrifices of our earlier generations who fought for our generation and the future. If it wasn’t for them would we be here, connecting like this?

Freedom is a right but denied to many. May we never take it for granted, or abuse it.

The week ahead promises a different kind of growth for all of us. The growth that comes from helping yourself with one hand and using the other hand to lift someone else up. The cards remind us that it isn’t all about me first, it’s me as well. The boss cannot grow if he gets threatened by his team and stunts their growth? The entrepreneur cannot expand if he does not give back his profits keeping the larger interest in mind. The more you give of yourself, your energy, your time the more you receive. As the wise ones have taught us, no man is an island, and the happiness we get from giving others is irreplaceable. I’m sure our forefathers who fought for our Independence will agree.

For more insights into the week ahead for your Sun Sign, do click the link for the weekly horoscope on India Today here.

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Wishing everyone a week full of hope, growth and happiness.

Mita Bhan

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