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Have you ever seen your child’s eyes light up when you praise him or her for something they did? And the smile that lights up someone’s face when you compliment them? Or the happy wag of your pet’s tail when he’s called a “good boy”. And while doing so, both you and the person you’ve praised suddenly feel the joy.

Praise is a need. All humans want praise and recognition more than money or sex. Praise is free and yet it is priceless. You can’t buy praise or force praise out of someone. Doing so only leaves you empty. Like the people who buy the followers and likes on social media and wonder why their life feels so meaningless. Praise is not limited to what’s beyond us, it’s something we can also do for ourselves. The more you praise the Creator and the life given to you, your blessings, the trials and tribulations you have overcome the more you will find to celebrate in your Life.

Praise is an energy. A positive one. But one which we shouldn’t get stuck on. It’s equivalent to criticism, its exact opposite. Learn from the energy but move on. Don’t live for it. But don’t withhold it either. If it’s sincere, share it.

This week’s cards asks you to find things to praise in yourself, your life, in the people around you. Sprinkle a little joy. And you know what they say about joy, it multiplies.

“Celebrate others’ successes. It won’t limit yours” Jaineel Mistry

India Today Weekly Horoscope for All Sun Signs


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Mita Bhan 2023